So any way, I managed to find both Swerve/Flanker and Tailgate/Groundpounder in one day and decided to pick up both sets. They were desirable when first revealed, and I'd kind of set aside a place in my mind for MTMTE-based toys, so these factors combined with my reasoning that I hadn't bought any TFs for myself in half a year (no, I'm not counting the CB Dino-rider Lockdown I got in May...) and they were purchased.
I'm glad I got them. Unlike many current or upcoming TFs, they don't seem to suffer from cheapness or wonky design choices - they feel just like any "normal" quality TF, and actually feel better (I guess?) than a lot of "normal" Commander-scale toys. They are also interesting in that they are the first commanders I've gotten that are meant to be in the same scale as typical deluxe, voyager, etc TFs; that is, they are supposed to be small guys, kind of like what people wanted classics bumblebee to be when they found out we were getting a deluxe. It actually works pretty well, especially since the only other competition was HFTD Windcharger, a scout toy (amusingly, tailgate is being remolded into a new windcharger). I'm trying to say that I don't mind the difference in size b/t tailgate and windcharger (and as such would did the new windcharger superfluous) and find their smallness compared to deluxe autobot cars perfectly acceptable, despite having a deluxe Generations Swerve from 2 years ago (the only other tailgate I have is the TFP CV repaint of Cliffjumper).
Anyhow, a larger point to discuss is that my much-baleyhooed stepping away from TF collecting has seemed to, by-and-large, actual start occurring. Again, I've bought a total of SEVEN individual TF releases in 6 months time. That hasn't happened, I'm pretty sure, since I began collecting in February of 2003. Fortunately, pretty much nothing from the Age of Extinction line(s) interests me - ESPECIALLY the normal deluxes/voyagers/leaders - and not too much from Generations is tempting me, either. I mean, I'll of course get the new G1 Arcee deluxe when it arrives, and I might go for one of the two Leader Megatron releases, but there isn't much beyond that. I've pretty much given up on owning Metroplex.
It's a weird thing. I mean, I'd already made a post last summer about "giving up" TFs for lego, and while a lot of Generations/BH releases last fall/winter sucked me back in for a while, I've now pretty much transitioned to that. The next big step is to truly begin selling off big parts of my collection (I still intend to keep Primes, Starscreams, Megatrons, Magnuses, etc), but that's not easy to do now that I've moved and all of my TFs (save for tailgate, swerve, their partners and CB lockdown) are an hour away in storage at my parents' basement. I guess I'll just have to try bringing one bin home at a time and sell my way through it, but either way it's still going to be a long process, and one I'm now somewhat reluctant to execute since my son is pretty hight interested in the toys. Luckily, he seems to like Legos more, and a lot of those sets that I bought "for myself" are now functionally his anyway, so that helps divert attention from a shrinking TF collection.
As a result of all this, don't expect a whole lot of activity here for the foreseeable future. I'll still want to do some mini-reviews and updates from time to time, but otherwise my time is being diverted elsewhere. Even the lego blog I started this spring hasn't been updated since then, and I've definitely been buying lego, so you see what I mean.
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