So I'm on a bit of a roll lately, thanks to a little bit of downtime recently. I had planned for a Legacy Transmetal II Megatron review post back in January, but only just got around to finishing/posting it today, and did the same for a SSGE-03 Optimus review that I started last week. Anyone who's been aware of this blog for a long time knows that back around 2010 or so, I made some pages for posting mini-reviews, categorized mainly by sub-series within the franchise. Just to help these newer reviews not get lost in the mix, I've decided to start adding summaries and links to the new reviews to the appropriate mini-review page, and to make it more obvious, these entries will be added at the top of each page.
As a side note, for the SSGE-03 Optimus review, I stuck to my old guns and posted it on the page for G1-based reviews, as I've always seen the War for/Fall of Cybertron games as a G1 take, not really part of the "Aligned"/TF Prime/Rid 2015 continuity. I already have an old mini-review of Generation FoC Starscream on the G1 page anyway, so it's not like this is a new shift. TMII Megatron goes on the Beast Wars-based page, which I guess would be obvious, despite being from Legacy, a toyline that is still ultimately G1-focused.
I also just wanted to note that it's been a LONG time since I added anything to the mini-review pages...the most recent thing being Combiner Wars Optimus Prime! Yikes.
This isn't anything major, but it's fun to have a little update once in a while.
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