Sunday, May 31, 2009

Revenge is here!

The initial waves of toys for the new Revenge of the Fallen movie were released over the past couple of days.

On Friday, I got:

Leader Megatron

Voyager Starscream

Deluxes Soundwave, Rampage, & Sideswipe

Scout Ransack

Legends Jetfire

Robot Heroes Sideswipe vs. Sideways

Gravity Bot Bumblebee (for my son, who just turned 2 last week!)

Yesterday, I also picked up deluxe Chromia and scout Knock Out in a moment of weakness. The only other TF I plan to pick up until July is Voyager Skywarp, a Walmart exclusive that the two Walmarts I went to didn't have yet. Also, my wife said she'd get me leader Optimus Prime for Father's Day, which is pretty nice. Tomorrow I'm going to begin working on cleaning up my TF room & reorganizing my display, largely to accomodate the new ROTF toys. I'll post some pictures later.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Happy birthday, Transformers (and happy graduation, me!)

Yesterday, May 8th, apparently marks the first time any Transformers merchandise was put on sale, namely the original Marvel Transformers comic series issue #1. This comic was actually recently reissued with the 25th Anniversary edition of G1 Optimus Prime, by the way. Anyhow, there was to be a celebration of sorts online with the different TF-themed blogs and websites. I haven't updated in a while, but I wanted to do something.

But I was busy! I had to work, compile one of my last assignments for my MAT degree, and then I graduated from said program (which is funny, since I still have one class left this summer; turns out there's a lot of people in the same position). My parents, wife and child attended, and it was pretty fun. We ate out at one of my favorite places beforehand.

Back on track....happy birthday, Transformers, from one 25-year-old to another. You brought me a lot of fun over the years.

I'll post a few celebratory pics later this week (hopefully after I find RotF Soundwave!)