Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Christmas approaches!

With only 3 full days before Christmas (yikes! I've got to get cracking on those few last gifts), I figured I'd wax poetic on the subject. First of all, even though this is a Transformers blog, don't forget the reason we have this holiday - Christ was born, beginning the ultimate game-changer in all of history. Those must have been exciting times to live in.

Here in the present (Christmas 2009! Wow, the future is here!), I'm very excited for this Christmas. It'll be my son's 3rd Christmas, but it's really his first in a way - it's the first year that he's really understood what's going on, talking about Santa Claus, reindeer, baby Jesus, etc. He's also pretty amped about the family being together - he's been talking about seeing my grandmother for a solid 2 weeks now. I hope he enjoys it all while he can, seeing as this will be his last Christmas as an only child. Next year, he'll have his baby sister to contend with.

I'm also pretty pleased with myself - not only have a procured a lot of TFs for myself, but I'm also very satisfied with my main gift for my wife. I stumbled upon the idea of getting her customized bookplates, since we both are big readers and have a ton of books. I got her 100 bookplates with her name on them - they also have a cat on top of some books as the picture, since she really likes cats.

I'll list an analysis of the "haul" sometime on Sunday probably, but as it has been seen from my ebay posts, it'll be pretty big (my mom alone is getting me 2 pretty pricey TRU exclusives).

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